What do toasters and planning applications have in common?

The sermon this week is about toasters (mainly). But not just any old toasters, those sold by John Lewis and those sold by Amazon. Let me explain… 


I get asked on a daily basis by clients, “why do people complain about planning applications and why do we never hear about people who want new homes?” Well, let me explain… 


If you go to John Lewis and you buy a lovely shiny new toaster, and you take it home and in the morning you turn it on, it burns the toast, catches fire and burns your kitchen down you will be straight over to JL and complain and sue them for compensation. If, however, you use it and it makes delicious golden brown toast… “so what?” You are not going to go to JL and insist on seeing the manager to thank him for your lovely toaster, are you? 


The same goes for planning applications… If they are upsetting locals and they are going to create more traffic and flooding and ruin your view people will complain and object. If, however, they are happy about it - “so what?” - they are not going to take the time to tell you they are happy about it. 


That is just human nature… when we are unhappy we complain but if we are content we don’t say anything… 


This is where it is different on Amazon. If you buy a toaster on Amazon and it burns the toast you are still going to complain BUT Amazon follows up with you. They ask you “What did you think of your toaster?” and “How would you rate your toaster?”  and “If you recommend our toaster to your friends, we’ll give you discount the next time you shop with us”.  


They make it easy for you to tell them what you think, it takes very little time and before you know it you have 597 5-star reviews and everyone loves their toaster and more people want to buy it. 


This is how it works in the “Digital Age”… You have to go into the homes of people and at a time that suits them and make it as easy as possible for them to express their views because that is the only time you get your “happy” and “content” section of the population to make their voice heard. 


It is EXACTLY the same with planning applications, you need to take the consultation into their homes at a time that suits them and tell them how this will make their lives better… and find out if they or someone they know want one of those houses. That dear reader, THAT is when you start finding the YIMBYs and you drown out the moaning of the NIMBYs. 


So, how do I get to the YIMBYs and more importantly, how do I get the YIMBYs to give you that five-star review… 


You can reach me on 07736121014 or e-mail henry@theccp.net


Until next week,




Launching Aunty Hetty…


Green Belt Pickle - a recipe for disaster