Consultation in the 21st century

Registered providers

Setup, Regulatory Compliance and Administration Support

Becoming a For-Profit Registered Provider in the UK is extremely difficult.  The most recent figures from the regulator say that only 23% of applicants successfully complete the registration process and are approved.

Long term viability requirements

The application must provide details of how the new body will prove to be financially viable over the course of at least the next 30 years, including several stress-test scenarios.

Board experience requirements

At the CCP we have multiple connections with local councillors who have been involved in the administration of social housing, so we can suggest a slate of directors who would be able to provide both the experience required by the regulator and also an understanding of financial reality.

Maintenance management charging

A frequent issue occurs when the maintance services provided to a registered provider are provided by a for-profit company associated with shareholders in the Registered Provider.  The rules around related party transactions are bespoke to the industry and a compliance plan must be laid out in the initial application.

At the CCP we have a great depth of experience working with regulators and local authorities in order to support an application, where we can ensure that the politicians who need more affordable homes in their region become advocates for your project.

If you want to learn more about how we might be able to help with your project give our Registered Provider team a call on +44 7933438156 or email us at