Hair today, gone tomorrow

Anyone who scrolled through social media or turned on the TV news or in fact picked up a printed paper in the past few days would have seen some geezers with proper dodgy hair styles who triumphed in elections… Now, I have a funny old brain, it is a very simple little brain, and my Achilles heel is logic and seeing patterns. And I have seen a pattern that I now have to share with you. (Besides, it is almost December and it’s that week before the Christmas season kicks off so you are all looking busy when the boss walks, but I know you are all on Google all day long looking at silly pictures of cats dressed as elves).

So, let me give you some more stuff to Google!

The topic? Right wing politicians and dodgy hair… Now, I have absolutely NO idea why this is a thing, but believe me, it is a thing. (Google it or just admire the lovely photo montage by my colleague Harry). Let’s have a little look at them then…

Well, one must start with Donald Trump, the 46th and possibly the 48th president of the USA. Our chum Donny was a Democrat for many years before he discovered that being a sensationalist right-winger wins election… especially if you wear a wig that looks like the back part of a golden retriever.

In the same breath we need to mention our own Boris Johnson with his uncontrollable mop of blond hair that always looks like he had just emerged from his bed (maybe he did?). Of course, the hair is part of his dishevelled, lovable buffoon persona that contributed to Brexit and what is now probably the most far-right Government we have ever had in this Country.

Over the past week we also saw a right-winger and ever-so-slightly Islamophobic and anti-immigrant Geert Wilders win the most seats in the Dutch General Election. Mr Wilders also sports a remarkable helmet of hair that reminds me of my granny in the 1980’s… there is so much Elnett hairspray on that bouffon of his, that even hurricane force winds wouldn’t move it.

And then there is Javier Milei from Argentina who just won the Presidential election and is almost comically right-wing. He is proper full-on bonkers, and I am utterly convinced that a wedding chapel in Las Vegas is looking for their Elvis impersonator… there is a queue of couples who might sober up before they get married.

But NOTHING beats Rain Epler from Estonia… another right-wing nut-job who excretes xenophobia and racism from every pore on his body. This really is quite the hair-do. It frankly looks like a cross between a Star Trek wig (a blond Mr Spock) and a dare that went horribly wrong…

I jest, but these ‘politicians” are all a threat to our modern society. They stoke fears with their dog-whistle rhetoric that sows division and hate. They exploit the fears of ordinary people for their political gain and authoritarian agendas.

Liberty, democracy, and regular haircuts are precious and fragile things, and we must defend them. Use your votes wisely!

Until next week,



Is the Housing Minister one of Santa’s Elves?


Tennis? In Wimbledon? Not in my back yard, you don’t!